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About Impact Hockey

Impact Hockey started in 2004.

Our goal is to help each hockey player reach their potential.

Our mission is to be the best in the world at helping players reach their potential.

We value positive long-term relationships with players and their families, understanding together that development happens over time.

Respect and Integrity are the cornerstones in building good relationships.  Coaches are role models.  If we have high character expectations for our coaches then the players will be more likely to follow suit.

Players that improve the most are the ones that practice skills when no parents or coaches are watching or pushing them.  This kind of self motivation goes beyond a love for the game and into a love for the process!

Our method inspires self motivation and challenges each player to take ownership of their own improvement.  

We create this training atmosphere first by understanding what skill mastery means when applied to the game of hockey.  Hockey skills can always be executed better or faster so no skill is ever considered mastered or finished.  We work toward continuous improvement.  We work toward mastery by performing skills more efficiently, faster, or both.  For example working toward mastery with a skating stride is when a player is able to travel farther and faster per stride.  

We begin with the end in mind.  Practices are planned over the course of an entire program and off-season based on the end goals for the players.  All programs build progressively from one level of skill to the next.  Daily practices focus on a central skill &/or theme of the day in an effort to work toward mastery - one skill at a time.

Professional instructors connect with players and assess each player's skill level as a baseline to work from.  Drills are demonstrated by instructors.  Players work toward properly emulating each skill/drill done correctly.

Quality of each skill is achieved through correction.  Players are corrected  1-on-1 as opposed to calling a player out in front of the group.  Positive feedback is our focus.   Players are more likely to improve performance and enjoy the experience  when they gravitate toward positive feedback as opposed to steering away from the corrected effort.  Correction has its proper place to achieve desired performance/behavior.  However, proper balance in this area is key.

Competition is what the game is all about.  It drives passion, enthusiasm, and effort.  Competition puts players skills to the test.  Improved skills are realized and confidence is earned.  We integrate competition into our training as both a motivator and reward.   Skills and Competition are blended creatively on a daily basis to provide players with a truly unique and dynamic training experience.